Wonderland in Winter

After years of drought, Israel is in it’s second year of wet and cold weather.  When we first visited the Sea of Galilee two years ago, docks and beaches were high and dry with the lake edge many meters out from it’s usual position.

Today the lake has re-gained half of what it lost over a half dozen drought years, and the mountains are laden with snow. Snow-skiing is once again popular on Mt Hermon in the Golan Heights.

Jerusalem, which can go years without seeing any snow, has gotten snow both of the past two winters, and in the past few days experienced more snow than it has in  years.  Add to that some torrential rain and wind storms just before it turned very cold and started snowing, and you get all kinds of fun things like broken palm trees, electrical system brown-outs and black-outs, etc. etc.

We survive and even thrive though all of this!  Three nights ago it was below freezing and our power went out at 5 pm.  All we could do was get in bed and huddle under the blankets for the rest of the night— not so bad!  The power was back on by morning.  The Arab boys in our neighborhood had a great time in the snow, making snowmen and having snowball fights in the street.

Here are some pictures, some mine, most borrowed, from Jerusalem… click on any photo to make it larger on your computer…

imageFrom our house looking east to the Mount of Olives

imageFrom our roof looking over Silwan toward the Old City.

imageLooking down from the Old City Jewish Quarter at the Western Wall, with the Temple Mount and the Dome of the Rock visible in the background.


imageStormy weather over the Mount of Olives

imageOld City, Tower of David, above and below


imageBen Yehuda street at night

imageFrosty in frosty Jerusalem



imageThe three photos above are from the Western Wall

imageJulee and I huddling in front of our propane heater attempting to stay warm!!!

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6 Responses to Wonderland in Winter

  1. Joel says:

    Beautiful photography! Looks cold.

  2. Bev Loop says:

    Wonderful pictures and you’ve got your love to keep you warm. 🙂

  3. Diane Gibbs says:

    Beautiful photos! Stay warm and we’ll see you very soon!

  4. Linda says:

    Just shared your photos with your Mom and Dad. They enjoyed seeing them and you and Julee keeping warm together. Cold here in Arizona, their fountain froze this morning. Still sunny and blue skies. Ernie feeling better everyday. Love you guys, Linda

  5. diana evander says:

    cold here too last couple of days around 26. glad to have a wood stove this year. Stay warm 🙂

  6. Kurt Hand says:


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